Project Gallery

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Digital Number Recognition

Machine Learning

We Implemented a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and the PyTorch library to analyze and recognize real-world digital numbers in the Street View House Numbers (SVHN) Dataset.

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Object Detection

Computer Vision

I developed an object detector based on gradient features and sliding window classification. By feeding training examples, we can detect the object of interest in an image.

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Pipelined MIPS Processor

Computer Architecture, Simulation

Designed and simulated a Pipelined-5-stage MIPS Processor using Verilog on Vivado, incorporating Forwarding and Hazard Detection techniques.

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Face Morphing

Computer Vision

I wrote functions to warp one face to another with smooth transitions using the piecewise affine warping technique.

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Computer Vision

After taking multiple photos with the same center of projection, I aligned and blended these photographs together to form a new panorama view.

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Texture Quilting

Computer Vision

Given an input texture, I generated new texture patches and stitched them together to synthesize new texture images.

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