
Driven By Passion
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Mengjie (Kaylee) Xie

Reader | Developer | Learner

UROP 2022 Research Experience Fellowship @ UCI
Student Programmer @ UCI OIT
B.S. Computer Science and Engineering @ UC Irvine '24

About Me

Hello, my name is Mengjie Xie. I also go by Kaylee! I am a junior undergraduate majoring in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the University of California, Irvine, with a strong desire to learn new knowledge and develop skills.

I currently work as a student programmer at the Office of Information and Technology (OIT), Office of Research IT Team at UC Irvine. At the same time, I am leading a group of 4 undergraduates on the IEEE@UCI Mircomouse project under the guide of Prof. Hamidreza Aghasi and plan to participate 2023 All America Micromouse Competition. This robotics research project has been selected in the 2022 Research Experience Fellowship at UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)

I'm determined to pursue a Master's Degree and a Doctorate Degree, and my research interests are Robotics, Computer Architecture and Machine Learning. 

Languages: C++, Python, Java, SQL (MySQL), VHDL, HTML, CSS 
Tools: Git, GitHub, Jira, VS Code, Jenkins, Graylog, Ngspice, Eclipse, Checkstyle

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Teaching Experience

  • Fall 2021: Lab Tutor for ICS 32A: Python Programming with Libraries (Accelerated) with Prof. Alex Thornton

Honors and Awards

  • 2022 Research Experience Fellowship @ UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)
  • Dean’s Honor List for 5 Quarters


  • We're delighted to receive the $500 ASTM International Project Grant for our "Drone Remote ID for Anti-Collision" Project. News Link.

🌟 Fun Facts about me 

  • I've played Go (a game) since elementary school and obtained 3-dan amateur rank.

Let's work together!

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